Spread your wings.

Leap into your Midlife Renaissance!


Hi! I’m Melissa and the only word to describe my life is INNcredible.

I am a motivational speaker, retreat leader, songwriter, author and coach. My greatest passion is helping women transform their lives by falling INN love with themselves. 

A decade ago, I leapt into my Midlife Renaissance and landed in the arms of my Vermont family inn. I knocked over the Jenga tower of my 16 year marriage and traded my life as New York City, award-winning songwriter to be a prodigal Vermont innkeeper. Four days after I filed for divorce, my mom, the innkeeper of 27 years, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The Wilburton Inn and I contracted and mourned, then over a decade we bloomed. Our parallel renaissance brings joy to our guests and to my clients world-wide. 

It’s INNcredible that I met the French love of my life while performing a cabaret at the inn. It’s proof that life is abundant and you really can manifest your wildest dreams. My “Tinderella” cabaret chronicled my romantic misadventures enduring 52 dates in 52 weeks, searching in vain for a Nice Jewish Boy with brown curly hair and glasses who was 6 feet tall, smart, slim and sweet, came from an intact loving family and ideally had a French accent. Michel is every one of those things. He was visiting from Paris and was in Vermont for 2 nights. Six years later, our INNternational romance is more INNtimate and INNtoxicating than ever. 

Now I am a catalyst of joy to INNcourage and INNspire other women. If you feel trapped, unappreciated or gaslit in any relationship – at work, with your family, your marriage or partner, I am here to coach you to spread your wings. Dare to leap and you will S.O.A.R and feel Successful, Optimistic, Abundant and Radiant every day.

It took me 20 years to transform from a broken Humpty Dumpty to a fabulous Fabrege Egg. The INNcredible coaching method can get you there so much faster.  The turbo boost to transform from feeling INNsecure to INNcredible is to fall INN love with yourself. You are hot stuff.

You were born INNcredible.  I am here to remind you.  

Let’s be INNcredible together.

Passion, Purpose and Play Awaits!

Imagine bounding out of bed with energy and appreciation for all the things you get to do every single day. When you align with your purpose, you ignite your INNergy. INNergy is your prana, your chi, your Holy Grail, fountain of youth. It is the magical elixir. It is much cheaper than a Chanel pocketbook, less dangerous than plastic surgery, and INNfinately more powerful for your confidence, productivity and joy. This miraculous turbo boost, is your rocket fuel, but it can not be bought. It must be discovered. It is there in you waiting. It is your INNer voice. Your INNer spark. Your INNer knowing. Your INNate INNsights and INNtelligence. You might have pushed it away because you didn’t like what it was telling you. I get it. I pushed my little voice down for a decade because I dreaded my INNtuition that I should leave my marriage. But she was right. I will coach you to hear this voice and let her lead you so that you shine. INNergy is your glow and power and INNfinate source of energy.  Once you lock into your purpose and INNergy, you will feel INNcredible.

Do you want to make love on a suspension bridge in the jungle of Costa Rica as the howler monkeys swing through the trees or in a heart shaped jacuzzi in Niagara Falls or a castle in the south of France?

You are hot stuff the moment you decide are. You can rock a bikini and have mind blowing sex. You can turn heads at every party and know you look fabulous whatever it is you wear. It has nothing to do with the numbers on the scale and the trends in Vogue. The second we give ourselves a gold star for just being ourselves, exactly as we are at this very moment — the second you DECIDE you are Hot Stuff – you are. When we look in the mirror, approve of ourselves and absolutely appreciate the magnificence and miracles of our bodies – exactly as they are. Dimpled, stretch marks, celulite scars — makes no difference at all. You are lived. You are resiliant. You are beautiful. You are INNcredible. And you are HOT STUFF.  I will show you how to celebrate and adore every inch of yourself.

How would it feel to know you’re enough?

Can you imagine how your life would change? Walking down the streets knowing your timing is perfect, your choices are perfect, you’ve done enough, you are enough, you got this. Because you really are. Promise!

Catapult with Confidence and Courage

When you know you’re INNcredible, you have the confidence and courage to trust your instinct.

Elevate Everyone with your Enthusiasm and Elan

What fun to be the life of the party, and live your legend every day. When you’re INNcredible, you do!

INNtroducing The INNcredible Coaching Method
Joie de vivre awaits! 

One to One Coaching in Person or Zoom

60 minute private coaching sessions on Zoom, This is the fastest way to transform your life.

Get my undivided attention as we explore how you can release your story and receive something so much more INNcredible.

I will INNfuse you with confidence and courage so you can spread your wings.

You will learn to fall in love with yourself and give yourself gold stars.

Using embodiment tools using the 12 step I.N.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E method I will help you define your identity authentic.

$180, hour-long session

INNcredible INNtensive 12 week class on Zoom

Over the course of 12 weeks, we will work through the INNcredible Curriculum.

  1. INNvent and Identity that INNspires You
  2. Nourish Yourself in Nature
  3. Name It & Notice Nancy Drew
  4. Cultivate Confidence and Courage
  5. Release and Receive – (Fonzie’s Formula of Abundance)
  6. Elevate Everyone through your Enthusiasm and Elan
  7. Dare to Desire, Decide and Declare and it’s DONE.
  8. INNvite INNtimacy and INNdependence – the INNgrediants to stay INN Love
  9. Believe and Let Yourself Be
  10. Leap, Love, Laugh and Live You Legend
  11. E.X.H.A.L.E.! You are Enough, Xtraordinary, Home, Abundant & Loved — so Enjoy!  

April INN Paris

r5 night women’s trip to Paris!

The ultimate girls getaway — includes trips to Versailles, Musee d’Orsay, Tuileries, professional photographs, cabaret, walking tour, Seine river cruise, meals, lodging and fun!

April 16 – 21, 2025. $15,000

INN person INNcredible retreat

 At The Wilburton in Manchester Vermont

Come to the spectacular country inn where it happens. Join in sisterhood and community for real transformations and breakthroughs. There is nothing better than the sisterhood and camaraderie of this  shared experience. It’s INNcredible!  $2000.

Book a discovery call

Email me at  melissa@inncrediblecoaching.com  

Client Love Letters

"THANK YOU with all of my heart and soul for the transformative experience. You are a human trilogy for love, joy, and generosity. With abundance and gratitude,"


Melissa, you helped me say goodbye and put down my beloved dog of 15 years. The songs you played were so perfect - the dancing with myself helped me move the energy and grief that my traditional therapy could not do.


Melissa encouraged me to pick up my guitar and sing again and I feel fabulous. I love spreading me wings! 57 is the new 37!


Frequently Asked Questions

01. What if I’m scared to leap?

Of course you’re scared. Change is hard. I spent a decade reading books like “Too Good to Leave Too Bad to Stay.” People often remain in unsatisfying and even dangerous relationships because they fear that the devil they know is safer than the devil they don’t. My twice divorced cousin told me, “You’ll know when you know.” And she was right. It took me 10 years to leave, but I never once looked back. I am here to reflect what you’re saying, to be a sounding board so you can hear yourself process your decisions. There is no rush or pressure. I believe in you. 


I will give you tools of INNsight so you can  listen to your own INNtuition.

02. I’ve tried therapy for years and it hasn’t helped.

INNcredible coaching is very different from traditional therapy modalities – and believe me, I tried ALL of them. This is an interactive, dynamic kinesthetic experience – it’s not just sitting on the couch. In addition to talking, we will dance, shake, stretch and get in our bodies to tap our innate wisdom.

03. How long does coaching last?

Breakthroughs happen in an instant. The moment you decide you’re INNcredible, you are! The second you approve of yourself and realize you are enough – you are!. The instand you reclaim your power and realize you can give yourself a gold star – not wait for a boss, or husband, or parent, or fashion stylist to give it to you — you have transformed. I am here to coach you as long as you desire. Bring specific issues or time sensitive crisis. I am here for you. you are not waiting for any outside person to beautiful – it’s I.N.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E is based on 12 fundamental concepts:

04. What if I don’t feel INNcredible right now?

I got you!

05. Why didn’t I find this program years ago?! I could have been living my legend already instead of just beginning now?

Your timing is perfect. An INNcredible mindset is knowing decisions have all been perfect.

Contact me here:

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